I managed to get off to a flyer winning 7 NL30 buy-ins in 2 short sessions, only to give it all back in an even shorter session 3. Looking back, I can only assume the guy calling off his 210BB stack on a Q 8 4 7 board knew something I didn't about the relative values of J9 and KK.
After about a week, the urge to play returned but I just couldn't face playing cash. Dropping down is fine when crushing, but soul destroying when being crushed. I ended up playing a few $24 turbo sit and go's on Full Tilt for a bit of light relief. Turbo my arse.
When I last played a sit and go in June 2008, first hand multiple knock outs were the norm and if you found yourself still playing after 45 minutes it was because the site had crashed. Now these things are total nit fests/shove fests taking nearly an hour. I lost about $80 over 30 sit and go's before getting board.
I decided to hit the PLO tables and promptly won 5 buy-ins at PLO50 before crashing down to earth with a 4 buy-in loss the next day, followed by a couple of big losing NL50 sessions. After having a crack at a couple of tourneys and some limit hold em, I realised I had turned into a spewing recreational fish.
Fortunately over the last few days of the month I managed to regain focus and finished with a a few good NL 100 and 50 sessions to turn things round.
Cash summary
NL 100 - 852 hands +$489.09
NL50 - 4525 hands (-$112.28)
NL30 - 4008 hands +$60.11
NL25 - 243 hands +$23.89
1/2 LIM - 245 hands -$8
PLO50 - 727 hands +$44.30
Overall, bankroll $10,406.60.
Women Talking About Cars (WITH LINK)
8 years ago